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Partial Game Stats
Updated over a month ago

Projections for a specific game period (1Q, 1H etc) refer to stats accumulated only during that game period. Stats accumulated during other portions of the game will not count.

Q = Quarter

H = Half

P = Period

Inn = Inning

If a player does not play in a game, their partial game picks will void. If a player's 2H, 2P, 3P or 4Q projection is selected and the player is ruled out before the second half, second period, third period, and fourth quarter and does not play in those periods, then those projections will void.

However, if a player's 1Q or 1H projections are selected and does not play in those periods but plays in the second half, the player will grade as normal.

*NBA, WNBA and NHL partial game stats do NOT include any stats accumulated during any overtime periods.

For tennis matches with walkovers that occur during the match, partial stats for completed stats will stand and grade normally, while full match stats will void.


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